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Hubot Documentation

Getting Started With Hubot

You will need node.js and npm. Once those are installed, you can setup a new codebase for a new Hubot instance with the following shell commands. It will create a new directory called myhubot in the current working directory.

npx hubot --create myhubot

Now open package.json in your code editor and add a start property to the scripts property:

"scripts": {
"start": "hubot"

Start your Hubot instance by executing npm start. It will start with the built in Shell adapter, which starts a REPL where you can type commands.

Your terminal should look like:


Typing help will list some default commands that Hubot’s default adapter, Shell, can handle.

Hubot> help
exit, \q - close Shell and exit
help, \? - print this usage
clear, \c - clear the terminal screen

Changing your Hubot instances name will reduce confusion down the road, so set the --name argument in the hubot command:

"scripts": {
"start": "hubot --name sam"

Your hubot will now respond as sam. Note, a common usage pattern is prefixing a command message with Hubot’s name. Hubot’s code pattern matches on it in order to trigger sending it to Hubot. This is case-insensitive, and can be prefixed with @ or suffixed with :. The following examples result in the message getting sent to Hubot.

sam> SAM help
sam> sam help
sam> @sam help
sam> sam: help


Hubot’s power comes through scripts. There are hundreds of scripts written and maintained by the community. Find them by searching the NPM registry for hubot-scripts <your-search-term>. For example:

$ npm search hubot-scripts github
NAME                  DESCRIPTION
hubot-deployer        Giving Hubot the ability to deploy GitHub repos to PaaS providers hubot hubot-scripts hubot-gith
hubot-gh-release-pr   A hubot script to create GitHub's PR for release
hubot-github          Giving Hubot the ability to be a vital member of your github organization

To use a script from an NPM package:

  1. Run npm install <package-name> in the codebase directory to install it.
  2. Add the package name to a file called external-scripts.json.
["hubot-diagnostics", "hubot-help"]
  1. Run npm home <package-name> to open a browser window for the homepage of the script, where you can find more information about configuring and installing the script.

You can also create your own scripts and save them in a folder called ./scripts/ (./ means current working directory) in your codebase directory. All scripts (files ending with .js and .mjs) placed there are automatically loaded and ready to use with your hubot. Read more about customizing hubot by writing your own scripts.


Hubot uses the adapter pattern to support multiple chat-backends. Here is a list of available adapters, along with details on how to configure them. Please note that Hubot is undergoing major changes and old adapters may no longer work with the latest version of Hubot (anything after 3.5).


You can deploy hubot to Heroku, which is the officially supported method. Additionally you are able to deploy hubot to a UNIX-like system or Windows. Please note the support for deploying to Windows isn’t officially supported.


Hubot can use Redis to persist data, so if you want to persist data, then you should have Redis running on your machine accessible via localhost. Then, ensure that hubot-redis-brain is listed in external-scripts.json as an Array of module names (e.g. ["hubot-redis-brain"]) or an object where the key is the name of the module (e.g. {"hubot-redis-brain": "some arbitrary value"}) where the value of the property in the object is passed to the module function as the second argument. The first argument being the hubot Robot instance.

An example external-scripts.json file might look like the following:

["hubot-redis-brain", "hubot-help", "hubot-diagnostics"]


"hubot-redis-brain": "some arbitrary value",
"hubot-help": "this value will be sent to the hubot-help module",
"hubot-diagnostics": {
"name": "test",
"age": "21"


Using custom scripts, you can quickly customize Hubot to be the most life embettering robot he or she can be. Read docs/patterns for some nifty tricks that may come in handy as you teach your hubot new skills.